- The Kongsberg ECDIS reads the main PRODUCTS.TXT from [NavStick]:\INFO\PRODUCTS.TXT
- The AIO dataset is not included in the above mentioned PRODUCT.TXT (The AIO dataset is totally separate and has it's own CATALOG.031 file, SERIAL.AIO and PRODUCTS.TXT file; stored in [NavStick]:\INFO\AIO\INFO\PRODUCTS.TXT)
- The AIO dataset is loaded automatically with the SENC, but the ECDIS does not read the separate AIO PRODUCTS.TXT, and the result is that it is unable to show the update status of this dataset.
We see from the log that the latest updates has been applied to the AIO database but it will be shown as unknown based on the above explanation. Please contact the ECDIS supplier directly if you require further clarification.
If you are unable to view the AIO dataset, please ensure that you have it activated by going to "View" -> "Themes" -> "Admiralty Information Overlay"