
  1. Insert service key and exit TECDIS software
  2. Start "S-63 Chart Loader" from Windows desktop
  3. Click on "Licensing" tab
  4. Click on "Generate user permit"



  1. Chart Menu
  2. System
  3. User Permit
  4. S57 Message” dialog


  1. Chart Menu
  2. Licenses
  3. ENC
  4. User permit"


  1. Click the [?] button on the Status Bar
  2. Click [About]
  3. Click on the [Version] tab



  1. Open “ECDIS Chart Portfolio
  2. Click on the menu option "Tool"
  3. Select "Option"
  4. Click on the "S-63" Tab
  5. The UPN is at the bottom

JAN-7201/9201/5203 JMR-7200/9200

  1. Menu
  2. "Maintenance"
  3. "System Info"
  4. "HWKey"
  5. "Save to USB"
  6. Send the file "1_System(HWKey).txt" to NAVTOR


  1. Menu
  2. Chart
  3. Chart Types
  4. Click the “Mng” button
  5. Select the “General” tab
  6. Click on “Licence” which will generate the ENC permit number

    Attach userguide for creating database and extract userpermit.



Go into the ECDIS and select “Chart Permissions

  1. Insert an external device, such as a memory stick, into a USB port at the rear of the VisionMaster PC.
  2. Click on the “Export S-63 Permit” button.
  3. Navigate to the location where you want the permit exported to by clicking on the + button to the left of the directory folder.
  4. To enter a filename for the permit click in the Filename field and enter a name using the screen keypad.
  5. With the export location highlighted and a name entered click the “Export” button, the S-63 permit is exported to the location as a .txt file. If successful a temporary prompt is displayed confirming that the permit has been exported with the selected location detailed in the prompt.
  6. When the file has been exported, select the route directory (i.e. E:\), click the “Eject” button and remove the external device from the PC.


SAM Electronics

Chart Pilot 1100

  1. Chart Maintenance
  2. ENC Licensing
  3. View User Permit No.


Contact SAM Electronics



  1. Click on the “Chart Handling” icon located in the top toolbar
  2. Select the “ENC” tab
  3. Click on the “Get User Permit” button



  1. Click on menu option “Charts
  2. License
  3. IHO S-63
  4. User Permit



  1. Click on “Menu
  2. DATA
  3. Click on the “Import S57” tab
  4. Click “Copy user permit
  5. Save the file to a USB drive


Kelvin Hughes


  1. Charts
  2. Install
  3. Vector
  4. 28 digit ENC Permit number is at the bottom of the screen

MDP-A1 (Radar) and MDP-A1-2 (New ECDIS)

  1. Chart Maintenance
  2. Chart Licences” tab
  3. User Permit


  1. At the Navi-Planner, click the Transas logo in the top left corner
  2. Click "About" and check the S63 ENC USER PERMIT number

TimeZero v3 (MaxSea)

  1. Click on "Manage ENC" under the TimeZero button
  2. Click on the "Manage S-63 Permits" tab

Note: if you do not see the "Manage S-63 Permits" tab, make sure that the "ENC Encrypted Module" has been properly unlocked.


"The S-63 User Permit is in Settings / S-63 Charts. Please see the Help (?) button for detailed information."

Chartworld eGlobe


1) Select ‘Chart Loader’ on the Menu
2) In the ‘Chart Loader’ window, select the ‘Settings’ Tab
3) The S63 User Permit then appears in the displayed window
